A PHP, MySQL and HTML programming resource site, with tutorials, code snippets and articles.
Metaprogramming Language, XML based source code; compiler engine can emit same program from MetaL source code to any supported target language, now Java, Perl, PHP; add others any time. Also home of Metastorage, program automatically emits code from a hig
Provides code generation tools that can generate C/C++, Java, C# code from ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) or XML schema specifications.
This page lists and provides links to standard DTDs and SGML declarations for HTML and its successor language, XHTML.
Code generator, converts UML Class Diagram (XMI and Dia) to C# and VB.NET code. Can also output using XSLT Templates which adds support for almost any language. [Open Source, LGPL]
A parsing tool and a source code generator works on generative programming. It offers facilities for building a DSL, for generating code, for source-to-source translation or program transformation, for driving the automation process. [Open source, LGPL]
Code generator / mapping tool written in Microsoft .NET, emits code from templates by combining JScript, VBScript, DotNetScript C#, or DotNetScript VB.NET with a database meta-data API. Supports Microsoft Access and SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Cross-platform and easy-to-use visual UML modeling and CASE tool. Round-trip code generation and code reverse engineering support for Java. Integrated with Eclipse, JBuilder, NetBeans, IDEA, JDeveloper and WebLogic Workshop. [Commercial, Free Trial]
A freeware template-based code generator that can generate code for any ASCII-based language. CodeSmith templates use a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET syntax so that creating templates should feel immediately familiar to ASP.NET developers.
A toolkit to design applications using design patterns, with facility to generate code, and reverse engineering. Drag and Drop facility to create UML Class diagrams. Support to write custom plug-ins for code generators and reverse engineering. [Open Sourc
Introduction and documentation from Apple Developer Connection.
Developer of web based systems and sites using HTML, ASP, SQL and Flash, Leeds, UK.
Offers an open source PHP class library that allows to create Ajax applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
Professional web development. Custom graphics including animation, PhotoShop, Flash 5, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Internet design and development company. HTML, DHTML, Pearl, VB, VBscript, Javascript, ASP, Coldfusion.
Element and attribute definitions and examples, with alphabetical index, and also sorting by function.
A basic, easy to use weblogging suite built with PHP and MySQL. 2 scripts, 2 HTML templates. Web journaling script.
A New York based design studio specializing in motion graphics, HTML and flash presentations.