For Web Designers > color codes
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18 resources for developers

color codes

Photo Color Correction
Photo Color Correction

How to correct color in photos and graphics with step-by-step instructions, and illustrated examples of advanced color correction technique using Photoshop adjustment layers.
Photo Color Correction

XHTML Character Entity Reference
XHTML Character Entity Reference

A listing of many XHTML codes for non-standard ASCII characters.
XHTML Character Entity Reference

The source for php developers with a variety of source codes and tutorials.

Unique Art
Unique Art

Collection of multi color decorative fonts and circular designs.
Unique Art

Hotrocks Photography
Hotrocks Photography

Black and white and color photographs and people and places.
Hotrocks Photography

Free Clip
Free Clip

All original art in 15 categories to choose from. Each image has 3 sizes, in color, and detail.
Free Clip

Ganchev, Krasimir
Ganchev, Krasimir

People, landscape, and abstract photography in black and white and color.
Ganchev, Krasimir


Black and white and color photographs of objects, nature, and people.

Crane, Scott
Crane, Scott

Black and white, color, and abstract photographs of nature, people, and objects.
Crane, Scott

Ramnath, Brian
Ramnath, Brian

New York City based street photography in black and white and color.
Ramnath, Brian

Tougard, Stephane
Tougard, Stephane

Black and white and color photographs from around the world of people, architecture, and objects.
Tougard, Stephane

Bergen, Kathrine
Bergen, Kathrine

Color and black and white photographs of nature, objects, architecture, people, and animals.
Bergen, Kathrine

Jordà, Ferran
Jordà, Ferran

Offers the same photograph in color and black and white. Animals, nature, and people.
Jordà, Ferran

Color My Web
Color My Web

Website design and maintenance services for businesses and non-profit organizations. Located in Portland, Oregon.
Color My Web

Perron, Bertrand
Perron, Bertrand

People, landscape, abstract, and nature photographs in black and white and color from a web project manager from France.
Perron, Bertrand


Web graphics and clipart collection arranged in categories of animations, arrows, backgrounds, bars, bullets, buttons, and icons. Preview the images with a background color tester.

AJAX Courseware
AJAX Courseware

Full color AJAX courseware suitable for 3-day training focusing on real-world topics such as using SOAP envelopes, processing JSON data and building an online word processor.
AJAX Courseware

Professional Photoshop Techniques
Professional Photoshop Techniques

Professional Photoshop color correction techniques and concepts from Dan Margulis.
Professional Photoshop Techniques

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