For Web Designers > blog software
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blog software


PHP-based 'blog software.

Blog.Mac by Largemouth Software
Blog.Mac by Largemouth Software

Create, manage, and publish a weblog on Mac OS X using the .Mac service.
Blog.Mac by Largemouth Software


A lightweight blog package written in Java that is inspired by blosxom. Includes highly configurable flavors, templating, plugins, and the ability to run a multi-user blog.


Stock icon sets ready for use. Features FAQ and a blog.

Web Creme
Web Creme

Blog featuring daily examples of the cream of the crop in web design.
Web Creme

Create a bound book out of your live journal, blog or weblog.


An open-source project for creating a simple CMS for blog authors.


Open source blog system for people who have access to a provider with php and mySQL capabilities.

Graminiski, Peggi Meyer
Graminiski, Peggi Meyer

Artist's blog featuring mixed media and digital collage.
Graminiski, Peggi Meyer

CF Blogger
CF Blogger

A blog application built with ColdFusion. This is an open source project. Submissions for templates or ideas are welcome.
CF Blogger


Free open-source blog tool. Runs on many different operating systems and uses PHP4 and MySQL.


An open-source blog application written in CFML, supporting both Coldfusion MX 6.1+ and Bluedragon Server 6.1+.

Knootchy's Photo Blog
Knootchy's Photo Blog

A collection of macro, nature, architectural, object and landscape photography posted by a group of photographers.
Knootchy's Photo Blog


Blogware requires PHP and MySQL. Features include weblog, forum, wiki, news aggregator, and photo gallery.

ApeJet Blog
ApeJet Blog

Simple open source tool for servers running PHP. No database needed. Produces RSS, archives, and categories.
ApeJet Blog


Open Source software for creating Slashdot-style discussion weblogs. Provides links to the software, and help for setting up and running the software.

Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

SEI is a federal research center whose mission is to advance the state of the practice of software engineering to improve the quality of systems that depend on software. SEI accomplishes this mission by promoting the evolution of software engineering from
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Blog Blog

Maintain a weblog on any site which supports FTP while keeping all your entries on your own hard disk for safety. WYSIWYG HTML editor. Blog

Blog Script
Blog Script

A simple, command-line based utility for maintaining personal weblogs. It runs easiest on Unix-like platforms, such as Linux.
Blog Script

ForumSoftware. The best Font Software, Egyptian Hieroglyph Software, EBooks for Ereaders, the Amazon Kindle, Anna Magnani CD
ForumSoftware. The best Font Software, Egyptian Hieroglyph Software, EBooks for Ereaders, the Amazon Kindle, Anna Magnani CD

Our software titles include, FontDings, a unique font utility; HieroNote, software to learn Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, free software downloads and more. Ebooks and free ebook samples. Our EBooks include Agatha Christi, Ngaio Marsh, Patricia Highsmith,
ForumSoftware. The best Font Software, Egyptian Hieroglyph Software, EBooks for Ereaders, the Amazon Kindle, Anna Magnani CD

Quality Icons Blog
Quality Icons Blog

Includes a variety of icons for download.
Quality Icons Blog

Pocket Blog
Pocket Blog

Pocket PC application for managing weblogs that support the Blogger API. Works offline, posting entries when internet connectivity is available.
Pocket Blog

Free icons and free icon sets, as well as free vector graphics. Contains FAQ and blog.

Gentics Software GmbH
Gentics Software GmbH

Austrian software producer of standard software solutions for Enterprise Web Content Management and Enterprise portal solutions.
Gentics Software GmbH

Hendrickson Components
Hendrickson Components

Microsoft DNA software architects, software engineering, and development.
Hendrickson Components

Software Engineering Radio
Software Engineering Radio

The podcast provides lasting tutorials and interviews for professional software developers.
Software Engineering Radio

Classic Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
Classic Informatics Pvt. Ltd.

Web and software technologies, crafting various software and web based solutions as per individual and business needs.
Classic Informatics Pvt. Ltd.

Dr Patch Limited
Dr Patch Limited

Provides commercial software patches and with the most recent software updates. Email notification available.
Dr Patch Limited

Citi-Software Limited
Citi-Software Limited

Password vault software with file encryption and secure deletion functions.
Citi-Software Limited

Blueprint Software Modeler
Blueprint Software Modeler

An integrated software modeling environment for Eclipse. [Commercial, Free Trial]
Blueprint Software Modeler

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